CRM for hotels

Boost Your Bookings with Streamlined Communications and Quotes

Welcome’s CRM, tailored to the specific needs of the hospitality industry, enables you to maintain a comprehensive record of all communications exchanged between your establishment and customers. It stores these activities in a detailed history log. The system also automates the sending of personalized emails to guests before, during, and after their stay and provides performance tracking for these activities.
The system can automatically send payment and deadline reminders to agencies and clients, reducing your staff’s workload. Start enhancing your customers’ experience today.

What is a CRM for hotels

A CRM (Customer Relationship Management) for hotels is a specialized software, commonly used by large companies and international hotel chains. Its primary purpose is to manage interactions with customers, both current and potential, enabling businesses to maximize sales opportunities and optimize marketing investments.
In hotels, the entire booking cycle can be tracked, maintaining detailed customer information and preferences. Through the collection and analysis of customer data, accommodations can better understand their needs and expectations, offering personalized services, recommending experiences, and providing tailored promotions. This high level of personalization fosters a deeper connection with customers and enhances the likelihood of bookings and upselling.

With Welcome's hotel CRM
you have

Custom Mini Site

Effective management of economic and productive resources can be enhanced through management control. Budget analysis helps define realistic and achievable market objectives based on available resources.

Direct Reservations in the Management System

Management control evaluates actual results against defined budgets and objectives through periodic comparative analyses. Entrepreneurs can assess resource effectiveness and set new objectives if needed.

Secure Payments

Management control provides a comprehensive analysis of production units. Identifying high-performing departments allows for incentivizing their work with production bonuses, while less profitable units can be optimized to enhance overall company performance.

hotels – chains – b&b

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